Three.js examples

Barcode tracking

Uses device camera.

Use 3x3 marker id 20

Pattern marker tracking

Uses device camera.

Use Hiro pattern and Kanji pattern

Mixed pattern and barcode marker tracking

Uses device camera.

Use 3x3 marker id 5, 3x3 marker id 20, Hiro pattern and Kanji pattern

Barcode multimarker tracking

Uses device camera.

Use Multi pattern 4x3

Pattern multimarker tracking

Uses device camera.

Use Multi pattern (template)

Three.js example without helper API

Uses pre-recorded video.

Not interactive. Draws a cube on top of last detected marker square.

Babylon.js examples

Babylon.js example without helper API

Uses pre-recorded video.

Not interactive. Draws a cube on top of last detected marker square.

NFT Examples

nft examples by misdake

nft improved worker examples by misdake

Canvas debug examples

Image debug marker detection

Runs AR marker detection on images.

Not interactive.

Video debug marker detection

Uses pre-recorded video.

Not interactive.

Camera debug marker detection

Uses device camera.

Displays detected potential marker squares in debug output.

Wasm esamples

Image debug marker detection with Wasm

Runs AR marker detection on images (with Wasm).

Not interactive.

Video debug marker detection with Wasm

Uses pre-recorded video (with Wasm).

Not interactive.

nft with threejs and Wasm

Using NFT with three.js and Wasm (and no webworker)

Use this Pinball image as marker.